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1-MCP on mango
Efficacy of 1-MCP in delaying mango ripening appears to be dependent the storage temperature of treated fruits
1.Mango storage characteristics
Mango fruit is a climacteric fruit. It has poor storage life after harvest due to fast ripening caused by the ripening trigger ethylene. Ethylene greatly affects a loss in its commercial value. The rapid quality loss and short storage life of the mango fruit makes it highly perishable with short shelf-life periods.1-MCP has been widely used on mango.
2.1-MCP treatment on mango
With respect to storage life, the best treatment for extending postharvest life proved to be 1000 nl/l 1-MCP for 12h(B.Chutichudet, Prasit Chutichudet, & Usana Trainoak, 2015). 1-MCP is an effective inhibitor of ethylene action in fruit. It proved to delay ripening or the senescence process, and led to extend the shelf life of several fruits. It acts by binding irreversibly to ethylene receptors in the fruit. Thereby preventing the effects of ethylene in plant tissues. The successful application of 1-MCP to fruit is strongly dependent on many factors. Such as, cultivar, harvest maturity stage, concentration, exposure time, and temperatures. The treatment duration ranged from 12 to 24 h to achieve a full response.
In conclusion, it proved that the shelf life of “Maha Chanok” mango fruit treated with 1000 nl/l 1-MCP for 12 h was extended for up to 14 days(B. Chutichudet, Prasit Chutichudet, & Usana Trainoak, 2015). It also proved that 1-MCP fumigation of”Nam Dokmai”mango at 250 ppb for 24 h at 25°C before 20°C storage reduced respiration and ethylene production. Meanwhile, it delayed color change in mango and increased shelf life from 10 to 15 days(Chalermchai Wongs-Aree, Sompoch Noichinda, 2014).
3.Storage temperature of treated mango
Postharvest management of mangoes is important to their successful marketing. The most critical factor affecting the postharvest shelf life of mangoes is their temperature management. The temperature range of 20 to 25 ℃ will result in fruit of the best appearance, palatability, and decay control when ripening mangoes. You should hold Mangoes at 10 to 15℃ to extend their shelf life. In other words, Holding mangoes outside these temperature ranges will result in fruit with less than optimal quality, consequently injure the fruit.
4.How to ripen mango
It is essential to ripen mangoes before selling in the market, so you can accelerate the ripening rate by the treatment of mature-green mangoes with 100-ppm ethylene for 24 hours. It is necessary to maintain relative humidity of 90 to 95% during all postharvest handling steps to minimize water loss and shriveling of mangoes.
5.Contact us
For more detailed information about 1-MCP on mango, please contact us.